Monday, January 23, 2012

Letter #14 - January 23, 2012

All right everybody, guess what? I have huge news. I'm staying in Coldwater for a fourth transfer. Which is alright, there are definitely people I cannot stand to say goodbye to, but I hope more happens this transfer. It's been a hard last few weeks here in Coldwater, MI. The weather has sucked, but we're through the worst of it and I've had a moderately good attitude. So, it snowed a ton and then it got 45 degrees and rained. The snow's gone.

The work is hard still. We're trying but not a lot is going on. I just have to remember that it's easy to work hard when the work comes easy. We're struggling to fill days but we're doing the best we can.

But, back to this week. So, I've been spending some time with this old man that's probably on his way out here pretty quickly. But, he's just kind of struggling in the hospital. It's kind of inspiring, sad, and faith-building all at once. I can't really explain how it feels to me. But, before I left yesterday, I said, "Hey (name withheld), don't have too much fun." He just smirked and said, "Oh, I'm chasin' the girls all around!" It made me laugh. He's a stud.

I was on trade-offs with a missionary who has had troubles. He decked his first companion. He ran away from one of his others. He told a little kid he was from hell. He's had a rough first 12 months. But, he went on trade-offs with me. The night grew on and it's about 10. I'm getting ready to sleep. He starts talking about his mission and his goals and this and that. He says some super inspiring stuff about consecration, taking baby steps to conquer problems, building faith, purifying our intentions. Yeah, it gets really good. He said some things that really changed my mission.

Then today, I get a voicemail from him. He said, in his southern Texas accent, "Hey Elder Chlarson, if chickens had lips, could they whistle?" I didn't reply. That reminded me of Justin Leighter. I hope he reads this. Somebody, tell him to read this. Wait, nobody is reading this anyways.

We visited this other big lady who's in this rehabilitation center. She's having an allergic reaction so she's scratching herself constantly. This nurse comes in and she tells the nurse to scratch her back. So, she gives the nurse a hairbrush. The nurse is scratching hard and she says to her. "What are you playin' in the sand? Dig. Put some muscle into it. Act like you're going to China!" Crazy stuff.

Well, we shall see how this week goes. Enjoy the real world everybody.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Letter #13 - January 16, 2012

Hello outside world, I'd love to give you some crazy new fun information... but there really isn't any. I've been here in Coldwater for four months now, and I'm pretty ready for a new area. We get our transfer calls here pretty soon, Friday, and I've got my fingers crossed. I feel like I'll probably stay in Coldwater one more transfer. Which makes this six months in my first area.

My companion is doing alright. He's pretty interesting. We're polar opposites and it's okay. We're on week six together. We've had some good times and some bad times, which is pretty typical. It's funny how being with a companion works. Right when you get really comfortable it's time for transfer calls. But, knock on wood, I know I'm staying. I'm preparing myself.

Honestly, if I do leave, it'll be hard. That crappy apartment has become my home. I'll miss the people here a lot. There are some people I've grown really close to over the course of the last three transfers. But, we'll see what card President has up his sleeve. He's a wild card so you don't know what to expect.

The people of Coldwater are not too excited about me knocking on their doors, still. Not finding a whole lot of success, but that's part of the mission I guess. Sometimes I wish I was in South America dunking people every week. But, I'm in Michigan where everybody hates Mormons. It'll happen though, I just need to have faith.

I can't really remember if there were many fun stories that have happened. Sorry. I feel like I'm not very cheery in this post. I'm doing good overall, I'm just super tired today and I don't have a peppy attitude. I just want to sleep for a year. Hopefully this week brings some excitement so I don't seem so dull and lifeless. It's safe to say I've aged a year this week.

Damon, out.