The Rapid Wreck, rebuttal to Anti-Literature, and Christmas
Well this week was a fairly exciting week. We had a Christmas party for the mission, and trade-offs with my boy Elder Masters. We stayed up till 3 and woke up at 6. It murdered me. But, after years of hanging out at Steven Devine's house till the wee hours of the morning, I'm pretty much used to zero sleep.
Anyways, on Friday the bus we were on got in a wreck... Here goes the story and dream, of a lifetime.
So, it all started about Friday, December 7, 2012 at roughly 2:40 pm. We were running late to an appointment, like we always do because I'm a terrible planner. So the bus system in Grand Rapids is called "the Rapid" which is ironic because it's anything but, but it's always a good time. Bus stories are always crazy, but this one trumps all.
The bus was packed, except for a few open seats but I didn't really want to share a seat with any of my potential seat companions, so I stood up at the front and started zoning out, pondering out the front window. We live by Alpine Avenue, which is the craziest street in GR, because it's got 1000000 businesses and tons of traffic, it's 45 MPH and people just don't care.
So, we're speeding along and this little Honda Civic just cuts over in front of us (the driver on her cell phone) and slams on the breaks, trying to turn into a Jiffy Lube type place (ironically located right next to "Alpine Collision Care"). Our bus driver slams on it to avoid demolishing this little car, but hits her back bumper. The first row of seats faces forward without anything in front of them, and no seat belt. So, as she slams on it, something whispers in my ear telling me to get ready to catch something. I move into the aisle and stick my leg/arm out and as I do so, this big ol' guy just barrels through the air, being pulled forward due to the momentum, and as he hits me, I also get pulled forward. He hits his head pretty hard, but I held on to the bar and just fell off my feet slightly.
Nobody was hurt but everybody was riled up. I had a good time and vouched for the bus driver. The man who fell may have had a concussion but nobody listens to me... I would never take my medical advice from anyone on the Rapid. The guy was acting a little special, but I think he may have been so before the wreck.
I have been informed by multiple sources that my previous blog post (posted with 100% pure intentions hoping to perhaps brighten somebody's day) was not completely well received and I apologize. It was not my intention to stir up any contention. One of my favorite Book of Mormon teachings is that contention is of the devil, and love is from Christ. So those who stir up evil, spread hate, or wish to demean others are well... just that. Remember the six things, yea seven that the Lord hates? (That's in Proverbs 6:16-19, a book which we apparently don't read...)
Continuing on, I must say that I serve in Grand Rapids, MI. Everybody hates us here, and I've received more hostility on the subject of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the premortal existence, etc. than I ever thought possible. It almost reminds me of the way the Pharisees, afraid of the abandonment of their loyalties of the soon-to-be-fulfilled Law of Moses, rejected the new teachings of a better way.
I would love to discuss the knowledge I have received after two years devoted to study, teaching, and persecution in about eight months. I must assure all that I have read the Bible, I have read the Book of Mormon and the two are in harmony with one another. I must say I have had much of my faith strengthened in Christ, and in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from the Bible. On a personal note, I must say John is my favorite, the light he sheds on the life of Christ is seemingly unparalleled than that found in the other gospels. I do however, wish I could read more of what Peter wrote, but thanks to Constantine (the man who defaced Christianity and basically decided what people were to believe) we lost the Gospel of Peter, the presiding member of the church after Christ ascended to our Father. Read the book "Constantine's Bible" if you desire to know more of the idea.
I also must say I've never seen anything in the Bible that says revelation has ceased, or that there is to be no additional scriptures (Please do not quote Revelation 22-18 out of context). Also, what about the time Jacob saw God and became known as Israel? That's in Genesis, or the first book of the well-renowned Bible, (which I must emphasize I have accusedly never read).
Anybody who is to say that we follow Joseph Smith, and that makes us a cult or that we minimize Christ, must also remember that their religion too, was based on the writings of another mortal man, not only Christ. I tell you that John Calvin shaped many of the protestant beliefs (the idea of predestined grace and hope alone in the shedding of blood, though we learn that "faith without works is dead, being alone" in the epistle of James 2:17), and the teachings of John Wesley have been manipulated (as he clearly states in a journal that the Holy Ghost appears to be off the earth on account of the spiritual gifts, or "signs of the believers" having disappeared, found in "the Great Apostasy" by James E. Talmage) and that Martin Luther never intended to have a religion based on him, and that he reviles infant baptism.
However, I must say I just want us all to get along. Arguing, debating, and pontificating has never brought any sort of spiritual benefit. Theologians decided to do that. (Reminds me of the 27th verse of the first chapter of Romans "Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools" or in 2 Timothy 3:7 those whom are" ever learning but never being able to come to the knowledge of the truth") Pray to find truth, guidance, consolation. Look to Christ for salvation. Practice what you preach, and believe in what you feel the Holy Ghost is saying.
In saying this, I must apologize for some of my own conduct in the past as I am not always the most Christlike person. I hope this ends any debates.
"I know the scriptures and I understand them."
Damon Chlarson