Monday, August 27, 2012

Letter #27 - 1 Year

So, at approximately at 6:00 in the morning on Tuesday, August 30, 2011, I said goodbye to two best friends Connor Hanna and Steven Devine. I said good-bye and quoted "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and I was off. I said bye to my mom and Big Al. After that, I walked onto a plane to Salt Lake City.
My mission started on August 31. I can't believe it's been a year. I've learned some stuff in a year. As I've been riding the bus, I write down in my little notebook the lessons I've learned. I've also set some new goals.... Here is my list of things that I've learned on my mission...
1. Loving somebody is a choice. You are put around people, companions, investigators, members that you just don't like. It's pretty easy to just say "I don't like that person, so I'm just going to ignore them." BUT when you spend ALL day EVERY day with a guy, you learn to get over it. So, if you want to love somebody and get along with them, you will. Love is a choice. But, them being a girl and attractive makes it easier right? (Not on the mission)
2. The scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, are amazing. I was a definite slacker on the studying of my scriptures (like most missionaries) before my mission. I have since repented and I love them. One hour of study every day is not enough.
3. Obedience is happiness. Doing what God says, and the mission standards say makes you happy. That's just what happens.
4. Hard work is rewarding. Work brings happiness. I never ever ever thought I would EVER think that, but I do. So, that's what it is. I've gone through spells of slacking and working hard on my mission, when I work like a beast, life is awesome. Before the mission, I avoided work at all possible points.

5. Repentance is something to rejoice in, not dread. As a youth in the church, I was always bummed to hear about repentance. But, why not get good in God's eyes? The sin has been committed. We should dread sin, not repentance. COME ON! (Spoken like GOB from Arrested Development)
6. Attitude matters. All my life I have heard that the attitude determines your latitude (don't you dare quote Kanye here). I never bought it. BUT, attitude truly does make us happy or sad. Most happy people have average lives, but their attitudes are great. There is no such thing as a perfect situation. EVER. It could always be a little warmer or colder, the steak could always be a little more or less done. It's just never perfect, so it's good to accept it. I love attitude.
7. Agency is a gift and a curse. We've all got our agency. I hate it. Sometimes you just want to force people to do what you say. But, imagine how God feels. It's our biggest gift from God, the ability to do what we want. But, we often misuse it. I do. All the time. So, blessing and curse.
8. Party stores in Michigan are not the same as party stores in Washington. I thought a party store got you matching party hats, table clothes, napkins, etc. In Michigan, people go to party stores to get trashed. Alcohol...
9. I actually do have the ability it gain weight. I always thought I was always thin. But, I have been proved wrong. I blame Taco Bell and Elder Masters.

10. Communication is key in everything. If you're mad, communicate it with your offendor. If you're happy, tell somebody. Spread positivity, work out negativity. Eliminate it. I think that's a huge one.
That's all. Year two starts Saturday. I can't believe it's come to this... If you told me I'd be here a year ago, I'd probably believe you. Didn't see that coming huh?
Damon, out.

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